Los Angeles, California
Total Construction Cost | $2.5 Million
Client | Joshua Katz, KX Lab
Sergio Cuculiza, Omgivning

PBS provided Mechanical, Electrical, and Plumbing (MEP) Services for this project, approximately 23,000 Square Feet. This included Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning (HVAC) for the manufacturing and retail/ office, distribution and zoning of the HVAC system across the areas. Provided 24/7 HVAC for the server room and specialty areas and performed required calculations and performance analysis to comply with Title 24. Evaluated the existing, unpermitted, HVAC system to assess its ability to be re-used and meet all current codes. Worked with the Architect and Structural Engineer for the location, layout, and routing/penetrations of all major Mechanical equipment. Provided power for systems including decorative and public area lighting, signage, interior design, telecommunications, audio/visual systems, and security system. Provided Hot and cold-water system, along with any required drainage, designs associated with compressed air distribution for the facility and Fire protection design criteria.